Chien Andalou is based on two dreams which were experienced by Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel and the film explores the suppression of human emotions the results that are experienced by humans through their subconscious in dreams. The rule that was followed by these two men when making this film was not to be restricted to what could be rationally explained and instead dabble in the unexplainable and what could be. This is why the film features some very odd and questionable scenes that may be quite uncomfortable to watch for some people. It is a surrealist film so this follows the nature of how dreams are performed in ones head which I feel is coherent to the concept of the film. The reception of this film was mixed, there was a positive reaction towards Luis Buñuel however Salvador Dali received a much more negative energy from his audience.
When I watched this film I was unaware of the concept of it being based off dreams so I found it quite disturbing and gruesome especially at the beginning when man slices the women’s eye with a razor however er after knowing that it was based off dreams the film started to make more sense to me. I think that there were some clear themes of death and morality throughout this film and it also coved themes of fear and lust. I think that the film was successfully directed and portrayed the French aesthetic well especially in the part when it showed the women with the box in the road and considering it was a silent film it depicted themes that were easy to follow.